A lone Conrail GP-38-2 has a string of empty P&LE hoppers in tow (and a cabin car) on the Youngstown Line. The rusty, dead end double track line to the left was the Erie main, and it crossed this ex PC line under that first bridge in the background at "Valley Street" tower, the base of which can still be seen in this photo. This had been the EL main through Brier Hill and downtown Youngstown. A connection was built near Hubbard, Ohio for trains to access the former EL off the Youngstown Line and serve Sharon and Meadville, Pa.
Photo Date
Photo Location Name
Valley Street
Conrail Road Number
Post Conrail Owner(s)
Post Conrail Road Number(s)
Submitted by CRHS Admin on Sat, 09/26/2020 - 23:20