As seen at the former PRR engine terminal at Harrisburg, identifying PRR GG-1 4985 as foreign power on Conrail seems very wrong. However, GG-1 4935 was Amtrak, and not Conrail, owned. Her restoration began January, 1977 and was completed in May, 1977 by the crews of the Wilmington shops. Returned to her original PRR livery with support from the "Friends of the GG-1," 4935 carried out her inaugural run back in Brunswick green and pinstripes on May 15, 1977. Since that time, 4935 was used in regular service, and was resting this day in June with some splattered road dirt on her nose.
Photo Date
Photo Location Name
Harrisburg engine terminal
Predecessor Paint Scheme
Submitted by Alan Page on Sun, 09/27/2020 - 20:20