The area between Gentry, AR and Stillwell, OK has a local trio of EMD Geeps, usually a mix of rebuilt GP40's and GP38's (either of the -2 or -3 variety). I've once even seen former CN units assigned to the area. Here at the site of the former depot, we see the trio of GP40's, two former PC/CR, one former B&O.

KCS 2830 was built as PC 3150 in September of 1968. Transferred to Conrail April 1st, 1976, it was sold October 1983 to KCS, where it received a white coat of paint and a renumber to 775. It was then rebuilt to -3 specs by Morrison-Knudsen in 1991 and renumbered again to 4792 - this time in grey. It was renumbered again around 2009 to it's current number. Sometime between 2017 and 2021, it was repainted into Southern Belle, which has stayed since.

Photo Date
Photo Location Name
Watts, OK
Conrail Road Number
Predecessor Paint Scheme
Post Conrail Owner(s)
Post Conrail Road Number(s)
KCS 775
KCS 4783
KCS 2830
Submitted by Ian H on Tue, 01/17/2023 - 12:22