With only weeks remaining in service for this track, this view is looking east through what was a tunnel completed in 1887 and daylighted in 1929. The road bridge carried aptly named Tunnel Road over the track after daylighting, and an oil company pipeline crossing the cut is seen beyond the bridge. There was a 2% grade to the tunnel from the east. Track speed in the final years of operation through to Berwick was 5 mph over the 25 miles of track that was torn up from MP 14 to Berwick in 1982.

After abandonment and dismantling of the line, the right-of way here was filled in to eliminate the bridge for Tunnel Road to cross. Now only the name Tunnel Road carries on the legacy of what actually existed when the road actually crossed a railroad tunnel.

Photo Date
Photo Location Name
Jerseytown tunnel
Submitted by Jim Appleman on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 12:40