SW1200 #8845. Switching Goodyear plant in North Brunswick, NJ. The secondary track is from County yards and used to switch the J&J plant in North Brunswick, NJ until they closed the plant. This photo was taken on August 14, 1982 as it was crossing Jersey Avenue, around 9PM.  This industrial track was worked at night Monday through Friday at one time.  Almost all the warehouses have closed or do not use rail service anymore.

Penn Central #8845,  EMD SW-7 Built January 1950 as Indiana Harbor Belt  #8136 class DES-16b; classified as ES-12 in 1966; became New York Central #8845, class ES-12; became PC #8845 in 1968; Conrail #8845 in April 1976. Retired on April 11, 1991, sold to Providence & Western #1201 in 1991.  Retired in 2002; sold to MSA Scrap

Photo Date
Photo Location Name
Jersey Avenue, North Brunswick, NJ
Conrail Road Number
Submitted by Barry Trogu on Thu, 01/20/2022 - 19:52