Power off a ZBB ore train lay over in the ex. Reading Saucon Yard after it dropped its cars off at the Bethlehem Steel Mill. Power is SD40's 6262-6270, both still in Penn Central black, and SD40-2 6460. After Bethlehem Steel closed and the coke mill shut down, the rails here were removed. The only thing remaining in this shot is the coal tower which remarkably still stands! The SD40's had long lives and are still in service today. 6262 became CR 609, HLCX 5023, TFM 1520, HATX 1520, then rebuilt to GCFX 3089. The 6270 became EMDX 6427 and was rebuilt to FURX 3045. SD40-2 6460 still works today dressed up as CSX 8836..

Photo Date
Photo Location Name
Saucon Yard
Conrail Road Number
Predecessor Paint Scheme
Submitted by CRHS Admin on Sat, 09/26/2020 - 23:20